Deputy Minister For Industry, Hon. Ellen O. Pratt Visits Golden Veroleum (GVL) In Sinoe County, Liberia

Friday, September 23, 2016. Sinoe County, Liberia. The Ministry, represented by Honorable Ellen O. Pratt, Deputy Minister for Industry and Inspector General, and Madam Maceatoh Wreh-Togba, Deputy Inspector General, visited the Golden Veroleum (GVL) operations in SinoeCounty.


GVL currently has the largest developed oil palm land in Liberia and its parent company is one of the largest global producers of crude palm oil (Golden Agriculture Resources). They have developed approximately 15,000 hectares both Sinoe and Grand Kru., Sinoe County. GLV is also constructing a bulking station at the Port of Greenville. They have 3,700 full time employees and and about 800 contractors. The company is currently operating in Sinoe and Grand Kru, and has plans to expand to Rivercess, Grand Gedeh and River Gee Counties. GVL is working with the Government to begin the first OutGrower program in Grand Kru and Sinoe.


The visit began with a tour of the plantation site in Butaw, Sinoe County, where the delegation landed, upon departure from Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. This tour was followed by a visit to the site of the 5 tons/hour mini mill operation in Tarjuowon, SinoeCounty, where the construction is also underway for a full scale mill which, when completed in July 2017, will have the capacity to process 40 to 80 tons of oil palm per day.


The team which also included officials from the National Port Authority, also visited the Greenville Port, where the NPA welcomed the arrival of two tug boats, which were recently purchased for port operations.


While in Greenville, Minister Pratt and Madam Togba were met by the CountyInspectors who provided a tour of newly renovated MOCI offices at the Government Service Center. The rural inspections exercise is currently ongoing and inspectors are conducing routine general inspections for compliance with the General Business Law, the Revenue Code 2010 and