Bureau of Central Administration

The Bureau of Administration manages and coordinates the financial, material and human resources of the Ministry.  Principal activities performed by this Bureau includes the development and execution of the budget (once approved), procurement, maintenance, policy formulation, human resource management and development as well as resource mobilization (technical & financial).   The bureau has the responsibility of effectively and efficiently managing all resources of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry for the purpose of ensuring the successful implementation of projects and programs for the achievement of the Ministry’s goals.  The Bureau, which is headed by the Deputy Minister for Administration and assisted by an Assistant Minister for Administration comprises the below units;                                                     
They are:

Having oversight of the activities performed by all other sections of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, the Bureau of Administration directs and coordinates resources (financial & technical) to support the implementation of projects and programs in full compliance to the Public Financial Management (PFM) Laws. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is also performed by the Bureau to ensure efficiency and effective service delivery.

The Office of the Deputy Minister for Central Administrative (DMCA) oversees the Bureau of Administration and all of the administrative procedures and guidelines within the Ministry of Commerce and its sub-divisions.

The Office of the DMCA forms part of the negotiating team lead by the Minister in securing funding and budget appropriation for the Ministry of Commerce.  This role also ensures the management of human and physical resources, as well as supervises the Ministry-wide services relating to internal cash management, personnel administration, property and supplies, procurement, custody and maintenance of central files and its corresponding reporting system.

The Office of the DMCA works directly with the Office of the Assistant Minister for Administration and other related divisions to design and develop training policies and guidelines as well as administers and evaluates training programs.

The Office of the DMCA also provides administrative support to all projects implemented by the Minister, and performs other functions as assigned by the Minister and required by Law.

Hon. Scholastica Tanneh Nyenkan-Nimely
Deputy Minister for Central Administration
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Ministerial Complex, Congo Town
P.O. Box 9041
Monrovia, Liberia