Office of the Deputy Minister for Industry and Inspector General

The Bureau of Industry was established in June, 1962 by an Act of the Liberia Legislature, and is the primary architect for theadvancement of industrial development in Liberia.The Deputy Minister for Industry and Inspector General is charged with monitoring, regulating, promoting, and facilitating the growth, development and expansion of the industrial sector in Liberia.
The Deputy Minister oversees the activities of four (4) divisions: Division of Industrial Development & Compliance Support, Division of Standards, Division of Inspectorate and the National Standard Laboratory. Duties include:
- Enhancing Industrial capacity by developing strategies to promote Business and Government linkages
- Developing a comprehensive strategy to boost the Monrovia Industrial Park
- Providing oversight to the standards division responsible for adopting, developing and implementing standard regulations,
- Managing the inspectorate which conducts general and technical inspections enforcement, in compliance with the General Business Law, and
- Coordinating programs with donor partners such as: the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), CODEX and International Standard Organization (ISO) in Liberia.
- Ensuring thepromotion good manufacturing practices (GMP) and
- Monitoring compliance of industrial establishments with standards operating procedures.
Hon. Andrew Paegar
Deputy Minister for Industry & Inspector General
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Ministerial Congo Town, Liberia
P.O. Box 9041
Monrovia, Liberia