Lofa Women Weaving Center

The Lofa Women Weaving Center (LWWC) was conceived in March 2014 out of the need to organize and train women in the Northern region of Liberia to produce high quality textiles from locally grown cotton and provide them gainful occupation. This effort is consistent with the Ministry of Commerce & Industry's agenda for inclusive growth and the Rural Industrial Promotion Program for Economic Empowerment (RIPE), which is intended to promote, among other things, cottage industries and value addition in rural communities. This project is being funded by the Japanese Government through the Liberia Innovation Fund for Entrepreneurs (LIFE).

Under the RIPE, the Ministry of Commerce & Industry has embarked upon promotion of authentically made in Liberia products especially the Lofa Cloth. To this end, the Ministry in 2014 open the Liberian MarketPlace in Monrovia to showcase various Liberian-made products including various designs of the Lofa Cloth.

The LWWC will serve as a critical vehicle for job creation and poverty reduction in that part of the country. The project will serve as:

·      A training center to augment the skills of current designers and weavers of Lofa clothe and train new entrants into the textile weaving industry

·      A central point to bring together traditional designers/weavers of textile products from across the country

·      Creates employment opportunities for the rural communities and improve their livelihood, contributing to poverty reduction

·      A source of opportunity for the vulnerable and marginalized-women, youth, disabled to acquire and develop skills in the textile sector

Specifically, the project will provide the following benefits:

·      Economic Empowerment of rural communities especially women and youth

·      Poverty reduction and promotion of peace, stability and security

·      Capacity development of designers/weavers of textile products through apprenticeship program