African Women Entrepreneurship Program-Liberian Chapter (AWEP-Liberia) signs US$200,000 grant with CHEVRON- Liberia
CHEVRON and AWEP-Liberia have signed a $200,000 grant for the purpose of empowering and providing training for women entrepreneurs across the country. This amount, according to the grant proposal, will help train 750 women in all Liberia’s 15 counties with major focus on cassava processing. According to AWEP-L’s Ambassador Madam Rugie Barry, some of the grant will be used to construct cassava plants in three counties to include Grand Bassa and Bong counties.
CHEVRON, a company since its Office opened in Monrovia has secured a drillship and initiated dozens of community-based projects in the areas of health, education and enterprise development, encouraged AWEP-Liberia to use the grant for its intended purpose to improve the lives of women in the country. During a special remark, the Minister of Commerce & Industry, Hon. Miata Beysolow thanked CHEVRON Liberia Lt. for such a kind gesture and urged them to continue their support for the private sector.
The Commerce Boss informed the gathering that the Government will continue to make Liberia attractive for investors to come and support private sector growth. Attending the signing ceremony were the Minister of Commerce & Industry, Hon. Miata Beysolow, CHEVRON-Liberia’s Supply Chain and Finance Managers Mr. Richard Weaver and Mr. Jhon Osorio, senators Geraldine Doe-Sheriff and Claris Jah of Montserrado and Margibi Counties among many dignitaries.