Commerce Ministry Conducts TOT Workshop in Ganta
Press release: Wednesday, October 20, 2021: The Ministry of Commerce and Industry has formally begun a three-day Capacity-building Workshop in Ganta City, Nimba County for 72 inspectors and County Service Center Coordinators.
The essence of the Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop, running from October 20-22, 2021, is to build the capacities of Commerce Ministry Inspectors from rural Liberia and several Coordinators of Government’s County Service Centers, who will serve as contact points and in return provide similar services being offered by the Ministry’s Small Business Administration (SBA).
Participants are being drilled through relevant topics, including, business registration, and the role of Inspectors, overview of the Small Business Administration, Commerce Ministry’s role and mandate, the functions and responsibilities of County Service Centers, the role of line ministries, among others.
The three-day capacity-building workshop, comes at a time the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, under its Small Business Administration (SBA) is leading a UNDP-funded Livelihood and Employment Creation Projects.
The objective of the project is to contribute to poverty reduction and inequality by supporting initiatives that engage poor and vulnerable households in sustainable income generating activities, with emphasis on women, youth and persons living with disabilities.
It targets vulnerable populations in seven Counties, including Montserrado, Grand Cape Mount, Grand Bassa, Grand Gedeh, Sinoe, Lofa and Nimba, with Small and Medium Enterprises, agriculture and micro as the focused sector of the project.
Funding for the training is provided by the UNDP as efforts are underway for the resumption of Petty Trade Registration Center.
The UNDP-sponsored Livelihood and Employment Creation Projects, with a five –year life span is being implemented by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. However, other ministries and agencies, including Agriculture will serve as Responsible Party for specific interventions; while the Ministries of Internal Affairs; Youth and Sports; Gender, Children and Social Protection; and the Environmental Protection Agency will serve as Advisory Partners.
As part of the collaboration, the UNDP will work in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) to support innovative livelihood and financial solutions.
Speaking at the opening of the training, Deputy Commerce Minister for Small Business Administration, Debra Nebo, said the Ministry would continue with constructive efforts aimed at realizing the objective of the Livelihood and Employment Creation Projects. Deputy Minister Nebo also urged participants to make use of the knowledge being acquired so as to enhance their respective capacities.
Jacob N.B. Parley
Communications Director
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Contacts: 0777604576/0886560455
WhatsApp: 0881336137