Deputy Commerce Minister Participates In The Celebration Of The World Intellectual Property Day Program
Remarks by: Hon. Wilfred J S Bangura,II
Deputy Minister Central Administration
April 26, 2018 - The YMCA, Broad Street, Crown Hill, Monrovia, Liberia: Today marks the celebration of the World Intellectual Property Day! It is a day of reflection on efforts that have been made and those that would be made to enhance intellectual Property Rights in Liberia and if we may add, beyond the borders.
Presently the Government of Liberia has formulated adequate Laws and acceded to almost all of the major Intellectual Property Legal Instruments for the protection of Intellectual Property Owners. The implementation of these Laws , coupled with needed regulations would certainly enhance Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation and Invention.
Surveys have shown that piracy is a plague in Liberia because it does not only affect the owners of Intellectual Property Rights but also, Government revenue intake and the general public. As you are aware, some pirated goods, especially Pharmaceutical Products, and food stuffs as well as audiovisual materials affect the human health which are often fatal.
To achieve our goals, in the fight against piracy and infringement on Intellectual Property Products, there is a dire need for greater cooperation, collaboration and corroboration, amongst line Ministries and Agencies of the Government for the Protection and Promotion of Intellectual Property Rights.
They are Ministry of Justice ( enforcement – border control ), Ministry of Finance and Development Planning LRA, ( Taxes – Revenue ), Ministry of Labor ( unionization of artistic groups –stakes holders ), Ministry of Information, Cultural, and Tourism ( collection of tradition knowledge and the expression of folklore ), and the Ministry of Commerce ( economic rights ). They should design strategic coordinated activities on Intellectual Property Rights ( IPR ).
Also, there is a need to have the various stakeholders that form part of the National Collectives Societies including Musicians, Fine Artists, Motion Pictures Producers, Cultural Artists, Writers, and Choreographs, etc. work alongside Liberia Intellectual Property Office and the Anti-Piracy Committee in a Proactive Mood to help curb the escalating wave of piracy and Infringement in the market place of Liberia. It is our ardent hope that once the proper mechanism as regards to awareness and sensitization are put into place to curb piracy, we would surly decrease the present SKY rocketing wave of piracy and infringement. May we enjoy our celebration today and beyond! And a hearty congratulations.
I thank you for your attention.